
20 min Kettlebells Workout

Upper body kettlebell exercise. Perform as many times a week as you can. With any bell.
20 min in 4 rounds.

About the Workout

This single kettlebell circuit is for people who are fairly confident with the art of kettlebelling.

It might make sense to use a lighter weight for the first round if you are not warmed up.

This workout is good for you if:

  • You are confident with transitioning kettlebell from hand to hand
  • You can do swings for at least 7 min straight at any pace
  • You can do ten reps of overhead presses in a row
  • Palms of your hands are not ripped to shreds

Kettlebells 20

Swings 1m
Alternating Swings 1m
Alternating Cleans 1m
Clean n press Left 40s
Clean n press right 40s
Rest 40s
Swings 1m
Alternating Swings 1m
Alternating Cleans 1m
Clean n press Left 40s
Clean n press Right 40s
Rest 1m
Swings 1m
Alternating Swings 1m
Alternating Cleans 1m
Clean n press Left 40s
Clean n press Right 40s
Rest 1m
Swings 1m
Alternating Swings 1m
Alternating Cleans 1m
Clean n press Left 40s
Clean n press Right 40s
Rest between sets
0 s
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